Vashti Maxwell Grayson (?-26 December 1958)

Death Certificate

Death certificate information not yet included in project data. For additional information, please see Baltimore City death records available at the Maryland State Archives.

Cemetery Map

Obituaries, News Articles & Miscellaneous Sources

SOURCE: "Mrs. Vashti Grayson professor's wife dies." Afro-American (Baltimore) 3 January 1959: 5.

SOURCE: "Mrs. Vashti Maxwell Grayson is buried beside her father." Afro-American (Baltimore) 10 January 1959: 18.

SOURCE: "If You Ask Me: 'God must have a special plan for Vashti M. Grayson.' A lovely flower gone …" Afro-American (Baltimore) 17 January 1959: 16.


  • "Miss Vashti Maxwell Resigns Feb. First. Accepts Appointment in Spanish at Randal Junior Hi in Washington." Afro-American (Baltimore) 17 January 1925: 8.
  • "Miss Vashti Maxwell Wed to South Carolina Principal." Afro-American (Baltimore) 21 August 1937: 7.