Mary E. Addison (?-February 1914)

Death Certificate

Death certificate information not yet included in project data. For additional information, please see Baltimore City death records available at the Maryland State Archives.

Obituaries, News Articles & Miscellaneous Sources

Mrs. Mary E. Addison, one of the most active members of Union Baptist Church, died at her home, 704 George street, Tuesday afternoon after a few months' illness.
The deceased was born in Virginia 55 years ago, but had resided here for many years. She was an active worker in the Baptist Home and Foreign Missionary Society and other Baptist Organizations. Her husband, J. D. Addison; four sisters and a brother survive.
Funeral services were held at Union Baptist Church Thursday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Harvey Johnson officiating. Interment was in Mt. Auburn Cemetery.

SOURCE: Afro-American (Baltimore) 14 February 1914: 4