John F. Augustus (?-January 1887)

Death Certificate

Death certificate information not yet included in project data. For additional information, please see Baltimore City death records available at the Maryland State Archives.

Obituaries, News Articles & Miscellaneous Sources

Funeral of a Colored Mason.--The funeral of John F. Augustus, colored, grand chaplain of Mt. Lebanon Lodge of Masons, took place yesterday afternoon from Sharp Street M. E. Church, and was largely attended by members of Mt. Lebanon Lodge, under Lemuel G. Griffith, grand master. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. W. Peck. The pall-bearers were George W. Carroll, J. W. Boone, Isaac Brown, W. H. Griffin, L. G. Griffin and H. R. Hooper. The interment was at Sharp Street Cemetery, Mt. Washington.

SOURCE: The Sun (Baltimore) 17 January 1887: 4