Michael Reddick (27 November 1875-3 June 1943)

Death Certificate

Age:66 year(s) 6 month(s) 6 day(s)
Birth Date:11/27/1875
Death Date:6/3/1943
Undertaker:Adolphus Halstead
Death Certificate:G04994
Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, MD
[MSA CM1132-223 ]


Note: Death certificate indicates that burial was in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Anne Arundel County, Md., but name and death certificate are listed in a Mount Auburn burial ledger.
See: Sharp Street Memorial United Methodist Church (Baltimore, Md.). Cemetery Records, 15 February 1941-5 May1947. Burial ledger. [MSA SC 6123-1-10], p. 63.