Edmund Addison (?-1911)

Death Certificate

Death certificate information not yet included in project data. For additional information, please see Baltimore City death records available at the Maryland State Archives.

Obituaries, News Articles & Miscellaneous Sources

Mr. Edmund Addison died at his home, 1522 Druid Hill avenue, Tuesday night after a lingering illness from Bright’s disease. He was fifty one years of age, and for a number of years was active in the political life of the seventeenth ward. He was a member of Grace Presbyterian church for a number of years, and had filled the position of treasurer, trustee and deacon.
His wife, two children and two grand children survive.
Funeral services were held at his late home yesterday afternoon. Rev. W. Edward Williams, pastor of Grace Church, conducting the services. Interment was in Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Robert A. Elliott had charge of the funeral arrangements.

SOURCE: AfroAmerican Ledger (Baltimore) 2 December 1911