Calverta Naylor (1870-31 March 1920)

Death Certificate

Death certificate information not yet included in project data. For additional information, please see Baltimore City death records available at the Maryland State Archives.

Cemetery Map

Obituaries, News Articles & Miscellaneous Sources

SOURCE: "Mrs. Calverta Naylor Buried." Afro-American (Baltimore) 9 April 1920: 2 [ProQuest]

NAYLOR -- In loving remembrance of our mother, Calverta, who departed this life two years ago, March 31, 1920.
Loved in life - in death remembered,
A precious one from us has gone
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.

SOURCE: "In Memoriam." Afro American (Baltimore) 31 March 1922: 2 [ProQuest]