Isaac G. Augustus (1872-1902)

Death Certificate

Death certificate information not yet included in project data. For additional information, please see Baltimore City death records available at the Maryland State Archives.

Obituaries, News Articles & Miscellaneous Sources

The funeral of Mrs. Isaac G. Augustus, son of Mrs. Laura V. Augustus, and the late David Augustus, died September 27, at 8.10 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Brent, 1418 N. Mount street, and was buried Tuesday, September 30 at 2 p.m. Rev. I. L. Thomas, pastor of Sharp Street Memorial church officiated, assisted by Rev. W. R. Arnold, pastor of Payne Memorial A.M.E. church, and Rev. H. A. Carroll. Mr. Augustus was identified with the Albion Singing Association for a number of years, and was leader of Allen’s Literary for one year. From which he was compelled to resign on account of other business which demanded his time. After his resignation was accepted he was presented with a gold medal for his faithful service. He afterwards became a member of Sharp Street M.E. church. The music at the funeral was rendered by members of the Amphion and Albion Singing Associations.
Mr. Augustus was employed as messenger at the main office of the Standard Oil Co., in this city, having held the position for more than twelve years. His illness took place two days before the expiration of his vacation, and his death was a shock to the officials of the Company, as he was liked by all and was looked upon as a trustworthy man, the floral offerings from the Company and other friends, were handsome.
Mr. Augustus was born in Baltimore, June 10th, 1872 and attended the public schools of this city. He is a twin brother to Abraham Augustus, a member of the firm of Augustus and Ralph, short-hand reporters. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. John Sheridan, Charles Gladden, Thomas Williams, Harry Roberts and Ellsworth Johns. Honorary pall-bearers: S. T. Ross, of Atlantic City; Nelson Waters, Pittsburg; Jas. Skinner, Frederick; George S. Ralph, Howard Brent, James Tong and Lloyd Garrett. Interment at Sharp Street Cemetery.

SOURCE: Afro-American (Baltimore) 4 October 1902: 8